What is Doyon FRIES?

Doyon FRIES (FRiends of Ipswich Elementary School) is our school PTO!  We provide fantastic enrichment programs and wonderful experiences for our students, paid for by our fundraising endeavors.  Some examples are school-wide and grade-level enrichment assemblies, school-wide black journals, educational magazine subscriptions, funding towards some field trips, community social events, and more!  As a parent/guardian at Paul F. Doyon Memorial School, you are automatically a member of FRIES!  


Interested in participating in board positions or committee chairs? Contact us for more details!  

Open positions are communicated when available and voted on in the Fall

CURRENT ExEcutive board Officers

President - Beth Gillander                                                    

Vice President - Katherine Cornetta

Treasurer - Melissa Simbliaris

Secretary - Casey Burkinshaw                           


Teacher/Staff Liaison - Jenna Woodworth

Communications Coordinator(s) - Casey Burkinshaw

Green Team Coordinator(s) - Pilar Reardon / Ashley Kesack



More About FRIES

The Friends of the Ipswich Elementary Schools/Doyon is an independent, non-profit organization comprised of parents, guardians, and staff of the Paul F. Doyon Memorial School.  Our goal is to maintain quality education and seek new avenues for improving programs offered to the students of the Paul F. Doyon Memorial School.

Doyon FRIES strives to bring the entire community together by sponsoring community events open to the general public, by participating in other community events, by disseminating information to the elementary school community and other interested parties, and by being responsive to the requests for cooperation and assistance.

Doyon FRIES raises funds in numerous ways to be used for curriculum enrichment programs, school field trips, special equipment and services, and long range planning initiatives developed in conjunction with our membership and other community groups.  Doyon FRIES also provides seed money for fast track implementation of strategic initiatives beyond the scope of the elementary school budget. Funds are allocated based on the following guiding principles:

  • Supports school improvement plans developed by the School Council and the Principal.
  • Supports enrichment initiatives.
  • Affects immediately or seeds a program that eventually will affect a great percentage of the elementary school population.  The goal would be to demonstrate a program’s success and prove its impact so it will be easier to be adapted and sustained by the school budget.
  • Does not wish to support programs on an ongoing basis that should be funded by the school budget.
  • Seeds innovative initiatives that may not affect a large number of the elementary school population, but that have the support of the school staff and are unlikely to receive funding through traditional routes.
  • Does not exclude scholarships or teacher stipends that support student activities in relation to special programs.